Spicy Breakfast Muffins

"I want muffins, and I want them now,

Sweet, savory or spicy, i'll devour them any how!

A cold winter storm, and baked so fresh

Melted cheese and butter, and soft soft flesh

A bite or two, and boy I was hooked

Never did I ever, for spicy muffins look!

Now breakfast is served, and lunch & dinner

I think my friends, we have a baked winner!"

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Herbs Dal (Lentil Curry)

"Herbs" Dal meant nothing to me till a few months ago, when I made a simple spinach lentil curry and my husband says "Oh, this reminds me of our Herbs Dal". Being of South African Indian origin, my husband's foodie language is sometimes just as confusing as their mixed culture, so I decided to dig deeper. I discovered that Indians households in SA make a version of spinach lentils with a bunch of mixed greens & sour leaves. I couldn't exactly find all the 'herbs' they used, so decided to make my version with a few favourite seasonal greens.

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Cucumber 'Noodle' Salad

When I served this at one of my events, I really didn't expect for people to ask me the recipe. Had the plain ol' cucumber salad cut un-laboriously for every childhood meal, suddenly become mainstream? Or was it that in an effort to appreciate complicated food, one had forgotten how simplicity tastes? Either way, I couldn't help but remember those summer days when mum used to serve this alongside a Rajma (kidney bean curry) Chawal night, and we always tried not to look at it (as though it would magically disappear!) - not that we didn't like it, but as kids, who wanted to have anything green!

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Asparagus Poha

“A desi breakfast staple, goes mainstream this spring,

With asparagus for an oomph, I create this seasonal fling.

Humble and easy, this flattened cousin of rice,

Is ready in minutes, and bears nearly no vice.

Cook up for a weeknight, oh you’ll do so on repeat,

After you taste the magic, once you sit down to eat..”

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Goodbye 2014 : A Food Photo Essay

It's the 29th! What better a date than this to recap the 29. endeavors in 2014.

2014 was a special year for me.  I completed my first full year as a chef. Yay! Swapping careers took a while, and despite the many times when I questioned the decision, I am happy to report that I am indeed exhilarated. This year was about growth, learning, accomplishments, partnerships and tiny milestones that mean a lot, yet keep me humble. The only drawback of being your own boss is that there is no team to throw a holiday party with! But I'd like to believe that I'm in part celebrating with hundreds of new friends I made in 2014. Wherever in the world they might be. (Are you listening folks?)

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