It's the 29th! What better a date than this to recap the 29. endeavors in 2014.
2014 was a special year for me. I completed my first full year as a chef. Yay! Swapping careers took a while, and despite the many times when I questioned the decision, I am happy to report that I am indeed exhilarated. This year was about growth, learning, accomplishments, partnerships and tiny milestones that mean a lot, yet keep me humble. The only drawback of being your own boss is that there is no team to throw a holiday party with! But I'd like to believe that I'm in part celebrating with hundreds of new friends I made in 2014. Wherever in the world they might be. (Are you listening folks?)
Guests often ask me - What is my favorite part about being a private chef and hosting dining experiences? Without a doubt, it would have to be the conversations. Yep, stories over food! (Those who know me are nodding their heads vigorously here)
There is much you can learn around a dinner table. Even if (or more so) it is one full of strangers. When people join my table, they leave their inhibitions at home, and their backgrounds, experiences, travels, adventures, emotional journeys & simplicity come pouring out, telling stories that might not otherwise be shared so easily. As the courses are plated, I feel energized by the sheer buzz in the room, the connections people make and the similarities we all have as human beings. That, my friends, is the magic created by food. Every day this year I felt proud of cooking up that charm, inspiring others to follow their dreams and, in turn, be inspired myself every.single.time. And, after 60+ recipes and 50+ dinners in 2014, I can definitely put money on that.
So, this amazing year, like all others, is now the past. As I turn a year older (today!), I strive to be a better chef in 2015. I leave you with glimpses of a few delicious treats out of my kitchen in recent months. Remember, never stop creating memories, and always ... stay hungry.
Happy New Year everyone! See you in 2015!